California Automobile Insurance

Insurance in a very important topic when it comes to driving a car. California law says that all licensed drivers must have automobile insurance. By law you must carry your vehicle registration and car insurance in your vehicle. You must present it to a police officer if you are pulled over in your vehicle.

Teenagers that are driving with their instruction permit are not required to have their own insurance. That is because they are covered by the adult, 25 years of age or older whose insurance covers both parties. As soon as a teenager turns sixteen years of age or older and obtains their drivers license they must obtain their own insurance.

Before purchasing your dream car or any vehicle you choose to drive it is wise to obtain an estimate of how much your insurance will cost. For many new drivers the cost of insurance for a high end car may be unaffordable. Cars such as a cabriolet, BMW, Lexus, etc. will cost more than other vehicles. In addition, the year and condition of the car determine the cost of insurance. It is wise to call an insurance company and get a quote before you purchase the vehicle of your choice. That will help you budget when considering the costs of car payments, insurance, maintenance, gas, etc.

Insurance premiums also vary depending whether you live in a rural or metropolitan area. A person who lives in a cities such as Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or San Diego will pay more for insurance than a person in Calaveras , Humbolt, Placer, or Sonoma Counties.

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